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Example usage


Help output shows all the main commands.

> feeless --help
feeless 0.1.12
A Nano (cryptocurrency) node and utilities such as nano addresses, hashing blocks, signing, etc.
-h, --help Prints help information
--no-color Don't use ANSI color codes when logging
-V, --version Prints version information
--log-level <log-level> Maximum level of logging to be displayed: trace, debug, info,
warn, error
address Address conversion
call Find a secret that can generate a custom vanity address
debug Debugging and experimental tools
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
node Launches a node
pcap Tool to analyse network capture dumps for Nano packets
phrase Word mnemonic phrase generation and conversion
private Private key generation and conversion
public Public key conversion
seed 64 bit seed generation and conversion
unit Conversion between units, e.g. Rai to Nano
vanity Find a secret that can generate a custom vanity address
verify Verify Nano signed messages
wallet Manage wallet files
work Find a secret that can generate a custom vanity address

You can see extra help for each command:

> feeless wallet --help
Manage wallet files
feeless wallet <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
address Output the address of a wallet
delete Delete an existing wallet
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
import Import an existing wallet. If the wallet file doesn't exist, it will be created
new Create a new wallet. If the wallet file doesn't exist, it will be created
private Output the private key of a wallet
public Output the public address of a wallet
sign Sign a message using a key in this wallet

Generate new keys#

You can generate new seeds, phrases and private keys:

> feeless phrase new --language ja --words 12
ใŸใŠใ™ ใ‚€ใ‚ใ‚“ ใŸใ‚™ใ—ใ‚™ใ‚ƒใ‚Œ ใฎใ›ใ‚‹ ใ‚ˆใ•ใ‚“ ใฆใŠใใ‚Œ ใ“ใ‚ใใพ ใ—ใ‚…ใใฏใ ใŸใ„ใ ใ‚Šใ‚Šใ ใ—ใ‚ƒใ‚Šใ‚“ ใฒใŸใ‚™ใ‚Š
> feeless private new
> feeless seed new

Working with keys#

Convert between seeds, private, public and addresses.

> feeless private to-public DC44DE34F003F3F4F44ED0557BEE848128E7DF8CB6095DD554F271DFE173BDC6
> feeless public to-address 10527826C408322E511DF03953FA5A509858CE46B137C3483BAA8E632E0A0168
> feeless address to-public nano_164kh1mea43k7sajuw3schx7nn6rd596febqrf65qcngeeq1n1dazxajsnri
> feeless phrase to-public "average gaze report acquire inch act uphold spice snake scatter uphold mass"
> feeless phrase to-address "average gaze report acquire inch act uphold spice snake scatter uphold mass"

Unit conversion#

Some unit conversions, using the newly proposed units.

These will be:

  • rai instead of raw
  • nano instead of Mnano (or uppercase Nano)
  • micronano instead of the existing lower case nano.

See the PR and discussion around this:

> feeless unit rai nano 12345
# Micro is the new set of units
> feeless unit nano micro 1
# Convert straight back using pipes
> feeless unit rai nano 1 | feeless nano rai -


See the wallet section for more details.

> feeless wallet new seed --file gak.wallet
# The wallet id is not the seed. You can set environment variables to not have to use arguments every time
> export FEELESS_WALLET_ID=2B2B95123A375400F5D29EA03F180884D073B4D5DE06EF7D4674DF7E7DD1382A
> export FEELESS_WALLET_FILE=gak.wallet
> feeless wallet address